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Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell are both starring in a new Christmas movie musical called Spirited, which is a new take on the classic film A Christmas Carol. Ferrell said earlier, "The most challenging part of singing and dancing is you work on them separately, and you kind of forget that you have to do them simultaneously." He continued, "And that’s where it’s a 'holy crap' moment of, 'Oh boy, now I have to put it all together,' which performers seamlessly do, but that was what was hard for me." Reynolds continued, "It’s OK to suck at something at first in order to be good at it, and if you’re willing to do that, you can do some pretty incredible things." He added, "I love every one of those dancers that we got to work with. Every one of them was our teacher. They never left set, and they really gave us the ability to do the best we could possibly do." What hidden talent did you recently discover about yourself, and how did you learn that you were good at this task?